
Stephanie Voytek is a food writer and Registered Dietitian-Nutritionist who is deeply passionate about helping others foster a healthy relationship with food. Her essays explore a range of topics that impact food culture, encouraging readers to practice compassionate curiosity about both their personal and collective relationships with food.

As a lifelong foodie, her interest in food began where most do- in the kitchen; and grew where food grows- in the garden. Raised by a culinary arts teacher, she recalls spending her childhood sitting on a stool in her dad’s kitchen, carving apples into birds to pass the time. As a picky eater who hated most vegetables, she picked up gardening in her teen years and was challenged with finding ways to enjoy foods she otherwise despised. Since then, she has been keenly interested in encouraging others to explore their own food judgements to enhance their diet.

Stephanie provides a range of pieces exploring food culture, food history, and nutrition. She writes in a variety of forms including essays, journalism, memoirs, and poetry. Some of her pieces explore topics outside the realm of food to practice creative expression.